How do I Created Image out of an Exited Container using Crictl?
Image by Riobard -

How do I Created Image out of an Exited Container using Crictl?

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Are you tired of losing your precious container data when it exits? Do you want to preserve the container’s state and turn it into an image for future use? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to create an image out of an exited container using Crictl.

What is Crictl?

Crictl is a command-line tool provided by Kubernetes for interacting with containers. It allows you to manage and inspect containers, as well as create images from them. Crictl is the perfect tool for our task, as it provides a straightforward way to create an image from an exited container.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have:

  • A Linux system with Crictl installed
  • An exited container that you want to create an image from
  • Basic knowledge of containerization concepts

Step 1: Identify the Container ID

To create an image from an exited container, we need to identify the container ID. You can do this using the crictl ps -a command, which lists all containers on your system, including exited ones.

$ crictl ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND           CREATED           STATUS                    PORTS     NAMES
964879345678   ubuntu:latest   "/bin/bash"   2 hours ago     Exited (0) 2 hours ago             witty_reynolds

In this example, the container ID is 964879345678. Make a note of this ID, as we’ll use it in the next step.

Step 2: Create an Image from the Exited Container

Now that we have the container ID, we can use Crictl to create an image from the exited container. The command for this is:

$ crictl commit  

Replace with the ID of your exited container, and with the desired name for your new image. For example:

$ crictl commit 964879345678 myExitedImage

This command will create a new image from the exited container, with the specified name. You can verify the creation of the new image using the crictl images command:

$ crictl images
IMAGE               TAG                 IMAGE ID             CREATED             SIZE
myExitedImage      latest            964879345678    2 minutes ago     2.43GB

Step 3: Verify the Image Contents

To ensure that the new image contains the expected contents, we can use the crictl inspect command to inspect the image:

$ crictl inspect --format '{{.Config}}' myExitedImage

This command will display the configuration of the image, including the env variables, volumes, and more. You can use this information to verify that the image contains the expected contents.

Step 4: Run a New Container from the Image

Finally, let’s test the new image by running a new container from it:

$ crictl run --rm -it myExitedImage /bin/bash

This command will start a new container from the myExitedImage image, with an interactive shell. You can verify that the container is running by listing the running containers:

$ crictl ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND           CREATED           STATUS                    PORTS     NAMES
45b6f6c0a678   myExitedImage   "/bin/bash"   1 minute ago     Running             witty_reynolds

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during the process, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you have the correct container ID and image name.
  • Verify that the container is indeed exited using the crictl ps -a command.
  • Check the Crictl version and ensure it’s compatible with your system.
  • Consult the Crictl documentation and online resources for further assistance.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to create an image out of an exited container using Crictl. By following these steps, you can preserve the state of your containers and create images that can be used for future deployments. Remember to always verify the image contents and test the new container to ensure everything is working as expected.


Q: What is the difference between Crictl and Docker?

A: Crictl is a command-line tool for Kubernetes, while Docker is a containerization platform. Crictl is designed to work with Kubernetes containers, whereas Docker is a more general-purpose containerization tool.

Q: Can I use Crictl with Docker containers?

A: No, Crictl is specifically designed for Kubernetes containers and is not compatible with Docker containers.

Q: What is the advantage of creating an image from an exited container?

A: Creating an image from an exited container allows you to preserve the container’s state and create a new image that can be used for future deployments. This is particularly useful for debugging and testing purposes.

Command Description
crictl ps -a Lists all containers on the system, including exited ones.
crictl commit Creates a new image from an exited container.
crictl images Lists all images on the system.
crictl inspect --format '{{.Config}}' Inspects the configuration of an image.
crictl run --rm -it /bin/bash Runs a new container from an image with an interactive shell.

We hope this guide has been informative and helpful. Happy containerizing!

Frequently Asked Question

Hey there, Docker enthusiasts! Are you stuck on creating an image from an existing container using crictl? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Q: What is crictl and why do I need it to create an image from a container?

Crictl is a command-line tool for managing CRI-compatible container runtimes. You need it to create an image from a container because it provides a way to interact with the container runtime and generate an image from a running container.

Q: How do I install crictl on my system?

You can install crictl using the package manager of your Linux distribution. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian, you can run `sudo apt-get install crictl`. On RPM-based distributions, you can use `sudo dnf install crictl`. Once installed, you can verify the installation by running `crictl –version`.

Q: What is the command to create an image from a running container using crictl?

The command to create an image from a running container using crictl is `crictl commit `. Replace `` with the ID of the running container and `` with the desired name of the new image.

Q: Can I create an image from a stopped container using crictl?

No, crictl only works with running containers. If you want to create an image from a stopped container, you’ll need to start the container first using `crictl start ` and then commit the changes using `crictl commit ).

Q: How do I verify that the new image was created successfully?

You can verify that the new image was created successfully by running `crictl images` to list all available images. Your new image should be listed with the specified name and a unique ID.

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